The Camp Transformation Center has developed a proprietary 6-week program that integrates both training and nutrition – the best of both worlds when it comes to weight loss. This challenge is conducted under the close supervision of our certified training and nutritional guides, who provide continuous support, cheerleading, and encouragement for participants. No matter your weight loss goal, The Camp’s 6-Week Challenge is a battle-tested program designed to help you experience breakthrough results, but always according to your own pace.
Participants in The Camp’s 6-Week Challenge can expect to receive:
Support for The Camp’s 6-Week Challenge is a “safe space” program that goes much further than motivation and encouragement. To ensure your weight loss success, this program relies on group-oriented support, where coaches and other participants work in concert to keep one another accountable and on track. In addition to our comprehensive Nutritional Seminar and unlimited workouts, participants can track their mutual progress and celebrate their weight loss with others through our mobile app or private Facebook groups. Individual progress is measured on a weekly basis during mandatory check-ins.
There’s a science to losing the weight – and keeping it off – and The Camp Transformation Center can show you how – provided you’re willing to accept the challenge. This proprietary program takes a six-week commitment, but the results you achieve can last a lifetime. We invite you to explore your true potential, unleash your inner drive, and see what a difference our 6-Week Challenge can have on your personal weight loss goals. Challenge accepted?